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Sarah Dalton Dog Training

I’m just a lass from Yorkshire that has been blessed with the opportunity to work with dogs, from shelves filled with dog books as a girl to becoming an accredited member of the Institute of Modern Dog Trainers (IMDT).

I think dogs are wonderful creatures and I have learnt from each and every one that has been in my life. Starting my career in a busy day-care and boarding facility, observing, walking and caring for them, has given me a love and respect for so many different breeds and personalities.

My own passion of working my dogs in Agility and learning from some amazing agility trainers gave me the inspiration to start my own path to becoming a dog trainer.

But its not just about the dog, it is about you too and my aim is to encourage and inspire that relationship between you both. My mission is to help give you and your dog the tools to succeed, there’s nothing like the smile an owner and dog has after training together.

I have always been led by love and patience (thanks mum) so why should we apply anything different to our dogs? Becoming an accredited member of the IMDT who promote force-free, reward based and scientific methods has been a personal highlight and I believe these are principals we should all stand behind when teaching our dogs.